Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence

The United States faces increasingly complex threats from terrorism and targeted violence. Both continue to pose a grave threat in ways that have evolved dramatically in the nearly two decades since the 9/11 attacks. Although foreign terrorist organizations remain intent on striking our Homeland, we also face a growing threat from domestic actors. Our enemies seek to spur violence in our communities and divide our society. Combating terrorism and targeted violence requires the combined efforts of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS or Department), our Federal and state, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT) government partners and civil society.

To address these threats, in September 2019, the Department adopted the Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence (CTTV Framework) and has now finalized this corresponding Public Action Plan and an extensive internal Implementation Plan. Collectively, these three documents describe specific actions and milestones to achieve the CTTV Framework’s goals. These documents will help guide our activities as we adapt to and confront the complex and ever-evolving challenges our Nation faces. We seek to meet the CTTV Framework goals through a whole-of-society approach that draws upon the Department’s intelligence, prevention, and preparedness capabilities. This Public Action Plan – the public version of the Department’s internal Implementation Plan – does not describe the full complement of actions the Department is taking to combat terrorism and targeted violence. Rather, it provides an overview and examples of our work in order to be transparent with the American people and to underscore the Department’s commitment to fulfilling the goals and objectives outlined in the CTTV Framework.

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Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence - September 2020 PDF 408.82 KB